How to contact us

Contact centre representative

Plan participants

If you are a plan participant and have any questions about your compensation plan(s) or your account, please get in touch using the form. Our highly trained operators are available around the clock to help you with anything from login questions to trading orders.

Forgotten your User ID or password?

Go to our EquatePlus website, and follow the instructions on the screen or in the Help section.

General enquiries

    By completing this form, you accept that your contact details and any additional information you submit will be processed by Equatex for the purpose of addressing your query. To learn more about how we process personal data, please read our Public Data Protection Notice.

    I hereby give my consent to processing of my personal data


    Business and sales enquiries

    For any other enquiries not related to plan participants, such as for example sales and business, please find the contact details below or click the button to send us an email.